This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry N1M8-150.TXT N1M8-150.ZIP N1M8-150.LMP - NightMare Recorded using Doom v. 1.9 DooM -PlayDemo with Doom v. 1.9 DooM - Ep.1 Mi.8 - Phobos Anomaly Kills ??% (Items ??) Secrets ??% and Time 01:50 approx. ----- Description: Last movement at 1:50, switch pressed at 1:38. I tried to compare the time at which the switch is pressed with the privious fastest by Davorin Mestric, but that's impossible, he played with UT all the time. Very strange. This was too easy (and it will be very easy to beat as well) I guess that nobody has played it for speed so far. Hmm, wasn't there someone who said, that the quality of entries in the -fast and -respawn category cannot be compared with speed, max and nm? In the case of DooM-max and DooM-nm it can! Author: Steffen "Rini" Udluft E-mail: