h2hreg.exe This program was written to make the registration to the H2HMud IDC easier. It automatically generates the text-files needed and enters the data that is specific for each entry. First of all you have to modify h2h_form.txt, file_id.txt and notify.bak . Write in the information about yourself and save. Don't change the layot of the files, if you do the program won't work properly. Also you have to edit h2hreg.cfg and write the path to your pkzip.exe file. USAGE: h2hreg [name] [wad] [skill] [kills] [name] is according to the IDC convention without any extensions, i.e 01m20jeh [wad] either 1,2,3,X [skill] 1,3 or 4 [kills] % kills This program was written by Jesper Hansson, Sweden Email: jesper.hansson@mailbox.swipnet.se This program is distributed as is and is freeware, distribute freely. Use it at your own risk.