This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Nicholas R. Spampata hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Master. Exam file name : Title conquered : DOOM 1 Master Author : nicholas r. spampata Completion date : (1995 09 12) Game and version used : DOOM I v. 1.9 Ultimate Doom (demos will play on regular v1.9) Log entry : CHAL: D1M NRS Nicholas R. Spampata 16 28 19 LFF-FFL-RRF : (nicholas r. spampata) Substitutions? :Yes, for e1m6 (easy) I am substituting e2m4 (med), e2m7 (hard), e3m8 (hard) System used :Pentium 100mhz, 16meg RAM, diamond 64-bit graphics accelerator Controls used :keyboard + mouse, forward=s back=d left=w right=e strafe left=a strafe right=f run=g fire=left mouse button most directional control done with mouse (except dance) Free interpretation : Free.lmp- E3M2 on nightmare, under par. I wanted to do something hard (this level is rated hard in the D1Incubus base), that hadn't been done over and over by so many people (i.e., e3m9 or e3m6, UV, 100% kills, etc., etc.). Thanks to Jonathan Hoof because I couldn't figure out how to add the dance without getting wasted until I saw his D1I exam (if you check his exam you'll see I take a different path thru the level). This took about twenty tries; this isn't the only time I finished under par, but it is the best. I manage to avoid all the cacodemons' fireballs and get to final room of lost souls with 100% health (a very rare occurrence as I can say from experience). Dance after I nab the plasma gun (get ready for it cos I had to do it FAST, when I do it slower I end up about 2 seconds over par). If I eliminate the dance I can do this level in 30 seconds flat. Comments: e1m6 is one of my favorite levels in the game so I have played it tons of times from scratch and could just about do it with my eyes closed. Therefore, I felt my exam was kind of easy (especially since e2m8 is a cakewalk) so I decided to substitute it with the three mentioned above. e2m4-uv.lmp- I think this level is hard enough to be in the hard set. this one took me four tries to beat. then after I beat it I decided it didn't have enough style so I redid it. things are a little messy in the beginning, and when I kill the imps and barons in their sunken rooms, but overall this is my best effort. 3 cacos and 2 barons crushed, fistwork with the piggies, and a fucked up attempt to leave with 200% health and armor. I totally forgot to get the blue armor. also done with no sound until the viney room before the lost souls I punch to death (my roomate was on the phone). dance at start. e2m7-uv.lmp- I don't know why this is considered to be hard. e2m4 is much harder because there is less ammo, more barons, and no invulnerability spheres. I got a little fist happy which is cause for some funny attempts at last second weapon changes and a couple of gratuitous hits. when the demon chews me down to 20% I get a little scared and start playing a little more conservatively. I have no clue what happened with the supercharge at the end; that's never happened before. considering that, I finish the level with max health and armor. no sound for a while on this one also (another phone call). dance after I kill first three imps. e3m8-uv.lmp- I thought this one was going to be harder because the only other time I did it from scratch I barely made it (3% health, 0 ammo), but this time around I got it on the first try. I have to admit there was a little luck there cos I didnt have to coax the demons to kill each other--they were very obliging. dance at start. e2m8-uv.lmp- this one should be in the easy category! I had to do it over and over but only so that I could account for all the lost souls. there are twenty on the level and they all die. go ahead and count them. I nail 19 and the cyberdemon gets the last one, but they all blow up on-screen. I only get hit once (damn skulls). dance at start. e1m9-uv.lmp- I had never tried this one from scratch before. this accounts for my not really knowing where to go and running around a lot to the wrong rooms. it took me four or five tries. definitely lives up to its hard set classification. watch me be stupid in the five pillars room and accidentally walk forwards off the lift not once, but twice. dance after I kill the imps in the cage. Author info: the shotgun is my favorite weapon, in case you couldn't guess by watching the demos! look for my own Pwad- Chemplnt.wad, Deimos Toxic Chemical Plant, at and its mirrors (I think its still at /newstuff/oldnewstuff). a smallish level which is challenging for single-player and great for deathmatch. 10 deathmatch starts!