================================================================ Title : Nicole Bass Wad Level 1 Filename : nbass01.wad Author : Stephen Huff Email Address : grimwulf@evansville.net Misc. Author Info : N/A Description : Finally, some easy duty. You got stationed as the Space Marine Liason at a Space Force Bass. The Space Force has contracted out with one of the spiffiest civilian Health Centers for its physical fitness facilities. SO, you go to the Nicole Bass Human Potential Development Center for your morning workout. You figure something is wrong when the growling grunts of undead greet you in the reception area instead of the friendly voice of the receptionist. Shoot, it almost reminds you of space marine pt. Only, sergeants in the Space Marines sound a lot meaner than undead. After clearing the gym, you run the obstacle course in level two, of course, incoming demon fire makes it a little sweatier than normal. You see some demons in the local hoh purification plant, and kill them in level three then make your way through a maze to get to level 4. Level four is Nicole Bass Interplanetary headquarters. Watch out for the vacuom zone. Level five is just some artwork I did for www.valkyrie.com put on display. It's where I got the pics of Nicole Bass, they sponsor her at their site. Nicole Bass is the biggest tallest female bodybuilder around her website is http://www.TheValkyrie.com/bass/indexann.htm enter at your own risk. Additional Credits to : id and gang. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM II Episode and Level # : MAP01 - map5 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (not tested) Difficulty Settings : Yes all. New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : no. Demos Replaced : no. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WadAuthor, WIntex, PSP Known Bugs : None. * Copyright / Permissions * Pictures are copyright Nicole Bass. Maps are mine. FTP sites: None