The Butler Trilogy ================== Made By Alex Moore to the wishes of the clan BCDM1 - The Spiral, made for B.C. ]Lurch[ ========================================= Why it exists ------------- I'd told Mark I could make DM levels inside 2 hours (which I'd already done once before) so to prove this I asked him for a quick wish list for a level. He said something like DM3 with a spiral staircase. 10 hours later....... Map Specific Info ----------------- The staircase in question started me off with the idea of making everying curvy, which proved to be a mistake - this level takes 40 minutes to VIS...... Good for 4 - 8 players. BCDM2 - The Ledge, made for B.C. ]Godfery[ ========================================== Why it exists ------------- Buzz got all jealous like about me making a level for Mark (not really) and asked me to make one for him, in the layout The ledge ended up. However, the first map was made in a big rush, and everything was carved... hence it was slooowwww. So I started again, making it without Buzz knowing (he thought I'd given the project up). Map Specific Info ----------------- The bridge is still the sexiest thing I've ever done in Quake, and I love it!!!!! Sorta Rocket Arena'ish. Good for 8 - 16 players. BCDM3 - Long Walk, made for B.C. ]Pingu[ ======================================== Why it exists ------------- Decided to make a level for myself to complete the trilogy, but wanted something tighter than the other two maps are. The original idea was going to be a mine with broken rails and things, but in DM I thought this was too much detail. Map Specific Info ----------------- Wanted something to play on in this level, like the speedy slide on BCDM2 and the 'anti-camping' squisher on BCDM1. After scratching my head for a while the special staircase was created.... It's better to watch someone else go up it, but of course then you die when they reach quad :) Stupidy good for Duel. General Info Single Player : Only to look around Co-op : I don't think so Deathmatch : BCDM1 has 8 starts, the other two have got 10 Quake Version : Classic Quake. All levels VIS'd for see-thru water Editor Used : Worldcraft v1.5b - the best Known Bugs : I've not found any bot's that can figure out the little tricks... E-Mail : ICQ : 6974999 for myself / 374494 for Lurch / 4156069 for Godfery Clan Website : Other maps be me: Ickle - on the web site and Walnut Creek (and mirrors obviously) Look out for : - A QII map by me - got something special planned for Single Player - BCDM4 - The Homeless House ========================== Not made it yet but hoping to do something in the style of the UKCL levels made by Slayer - a god at DM levels...