Demon3D v2.09 Created by nars82. Deathmatch maps created by Mike Mueller. Quake II(c)1997 Id Software READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Demon3D is a patch that adds another model with skins, sounds, and maps to Quake II. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES: d3d-209-x86-full.exe 3.61MB Full version. d3d-209-x86-ctf.exe 131KB Optional CTF upgrade. Lets you use Demon3D with CTF. d3d-209-x86-ra2.exe 258KB Optional RA2 upgrade. Lets you use Demon3D with Rocket Arena II. NOTE: Some servers may have trouble with these files when downloading. Please download them one at a time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: THIS WAS CREATED ORIGINALY FOR MY OWN USE. IT IS PROVIDED AS IS. I AM NOT TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT IS DONE TO THE GAME OR YOUR SYSTEM. ANY VERSIONS PRIOR TO v2.06 MUST BE DELETED. THOSE VERSIONS ARE NO LONGER MY RESPONSIBILITY. SINCE THIS IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND DISTRIBUTE, THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOUR SHOULD HAVE ANY OTHER VERSION OTHER THAN THIS.