====================================================================== Name: Darkness.bsp Author: Andrew Gould Description: A small deathmatch map with lots of dark and light spots. Features two teleporters, an elevator, and a stairway. A few sniper spots, etc... it's my first shot at a Quake level. Heh heh... and the textures are WAY off... =) Special Thanks: to Josh Kovacs for staying up thw whole night with me while I made this map. =) ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Single Player: Yes, but why? There are no monsters! Cooperative: No, there aren't any ccop starts! Deathmatch: YES! 2 - 8 players! New Sounds: No New Music: No, again New Textures: No, this is getting kind of repetitive New Models: No... Permissions: Do whatever the heck you want with this map... just give me credit!