================================================================================ Name: DMMP Filename dmmp.bsp Date 1.11.1998 (2nd version) Author Martin Petricek Email petricm@feld.cvut.cz hcl@post.cz WWW http://freeweb.coco.cz/petricm http://members.xoom.com/petricm Description Medium sized deathmatch map This is level, which was first created for Doom II. It was good in deathmatch, so a made it for Quake. I had no program to convert it, so I had to make it from scratch, but I added some thing not present in Doom version, for example Quad. I added "signals" in second version. ================================================================================ * Map information * Game Quake 1 Single Player No Co-op Never! Deathmatch YES! Cca. 35 Deathmatch starts, map is playable in 2-16 players, optimal number is about 4-8 players. Tested 1-2 players (IPX/cable) and 0-15 Omicron bots. Warning: Map has no exit. Move to the next level through console. Signals: If you were at Grenade Launcher, you probably wondered what these three windows are. They are signals - if the're blinking, then there is someone in the room, otherwise the room is empty. First indicator(from left) is the room with balcony and classic nailgun, the second is the room with Lightning and elevator, and the third blinks if there is someone in the sewers. The texture on the indicator also help - is is the same as the texture of the room. These signals are useful especially in 1 on 1 play - if you cannot find him, just look at signals and go kill him. Disadvantage is, that he can run elsewhere before you arrive. With lot of players (for ex. 16) are signals useless, because they are blinking always and nonstop. ================================================================================ * Technical details * Base Map DMMP for DOOM II (my own, exist also in version for Duke3d) Used editor Worldcraft 1.6 Make time About 14 days Known bugs None (If you find any, please contact me) ================================================================================ * Other things from me * DMMP for Doom II and for Duke 3D - this map created for DOOM II and Duke 3D DMMP2 (for Quake I) - small map (2-3 players deathmatch) DMMP3 (for Quake I) - medium map (2-5 players deathmatch) DMMP4 (for Quake I) - Large map (10-16 players deathmatch) Piskvorky (now version 1.98) - Game of "make five", good AI, I'm working on a new version. You can find all these and other things at my page: http://freeweb.coco.cz/petricm http://members.xoom.com/petricm ================================================================================ * Copyright * This level CAN be used as a base or inspiration to create other levels. If you do so, please give me a notice (email). You can distribute this freely any way you like (FTP, BBS, CD, WWW, shareware collections, send it to a friend, etc...) as long as you include this file with the map and you don't modify neither this file, neither the map. Many hours (days/weeks) of fun with this level wish you Martin Petricek