DRED --- Deathmatch level for Quake 1 Author: Brian Jenkinson Editor: Worldcraft 1.5b Size: 4-6 players, also good for 1 on 1 Completed: July 1997 Build time: Appoximately 30 hours (my first level) Build info: No bsp, vis, or light info available. Installation instructions: Unzip the dred.zip file into your Quake/id1/maps folder. In the game, bring down the console (~) and type "map dred". Notes: This was my first attempt at a deathmatch level and I spent many tedious hours milling over it's architecture. This level is great fun with 3 or 4 bots, and is also good for 1 on 1 play. Make sure you find the 'secret' teleporter. Happy fragging!