=========================================================================== Title : Fustercluck Quake Level Filename : FUSTER.BSP Date Finished : 02/20/98 Author : Michael Reed Email Address : mreed3015@aol.com Web Site : http://members.aol.com/mreed3015/ Description : A very cool, very detailed Quake Deathmatch level. Excellent Deathmatch level 2 - 8 players. E-mail me and tell me what you think. Other Quake Files By Author : Scorn - scorn.zip; The Hall Of Dread - halldred.zip; The Well Of Lost Souls - well.zip; Scatter - scatter.zip; Extermination Station - station.zip; PCGamer Warehouse - pcgwhse.zip (Available only to subscribers) Zip files include the .bsp file and an accompanying text file Additional Credits : id Software creators of DOOM and Quake. Bruce Patek, for testing all my levels and being a great Deathmatch opponent. =========================================================================== To play this BSP file: Create a directory called 'MAPS' in your QUAKE\ID1 directory and load the level using the 'map' command. E.g., QUAKE\ID1\MAPS\FUSTER.BSP would be loaded with the command 'MAP FUSTER' from the Quake console prompt: Hit the tilde (~) key in Quake to enter console mode. Type: MAP FUSTER at the prompt. Hit the tilde (~) key again to exit console mode. Alternatively you can launch the level directly from the DOS prompt with: quake +map fuster =========================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Only for looking around. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! For 2 to 8 players. Difficulty Settings : No. New Sounds : No. Textures : Enhanced for transparent water with GLQuake. Music : Plays CD Track 12. Mechwarrior2 CD recommended. Demos Replaced : None. * Construction * Base : New level built from scratch. Editor used : Worldcraft by Ben Morris. Transparent Water QBSP with Hipnitual Extensions v1.61 by Ken Alverson. Compile machine : p133 48meg win95 Compile time : bsp 60 secs 509 brushes light 221 secs (-extra) 166 entities vis 5096 secs (- level 4) 179 avg. leafs Known Bugs : No Known Bugs in the level. If you run this map on a server, please let me know, I'll come and play. =========================================================================== Notes: This level was built strictly for Deathmatch. It's fantastic with two players and up to eight players! All weapons are included. You'll have to search for the exit, it's hidden in a secret area. Since you're actually reading the text file, I'll give you a hint: check out the wall niches in the outdoor area.... This level plays GREAT with Reaper Bots by Steven Polge! I used the Reapers extensively while testing out this level. =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include these files intact AND provide me a copy of the media (if CD or Diskette) when completed. * Where to get this MAP * WWW: The Quake Sieve http://members.aol.com/mreed3015/quake.html FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com