GateWay To Hell Ver. 1.1 Autor: Locoman Date : June 25 1999 Propeties: Deathmatch : Yes Teamplay : Yes Coop : No Single Player Game : No How to play? Unzip the flie and put it on yer "/id1/maps/" sub-folder on yer quake folder. Then while on Quake press (~) Console and type "map gw2hell" and then u should have a look at it on single player (no monsters) if u like to play it with yer bot or if you want to host the game...go to the quake menu (Esc) and then go to Multiplayer "New Game" and selcet on of the three options (Modem, Null-cable, IPX, TCP/IP) and then select the Templay level and all that crap....if u notice...u can`t get Gate Way to Hell when u pick your level pick some random level and then when started....type: "map gw2hell" and you`ll have a great time blowing your friends into pieces in this hell of a Deathmtch level =)