Release Date: 04/09/97 ************************* Title: Lost Sanctuary (Lostsct.bsp) Author: Troy Dooley Email: Description: A Fairly large level, most playable with 10-14 players. Lots of secret areas, tight areas and open areas to suit almost every style of deathmatchers out there:) Credits: Yahn Bernier, the author of BSP (The best level editor there is!) Project13 and Fuhrer, For testing my map for me. ID Software, for making the Best game there is. Additional Info: Single player: NO Co-op: NO Deathmatch: YES CTF: NO EXITS: YES to E4M3 Map Editor: BSP -A Quake Editor Base: From Scratch Construcion time: 1 month ******************************************************************************************** This Level may NOT be used as a base to build other levels. You MAY distribute this level provided this .TXT file is included with NO Modifications. This Includes CD's and email, or website links. I hope you enjoy this map and Thank you for any feedback you may have.