*************AREA 7 (remix)************** author:utah DM ONLY Made with Worldcraft(registered--Thanks Ben) Thanks to ID (for Quake) and Hipnotic (for kick ass textures) ****************************************** Build info ****************************************** machine =p150 w/40 megs 4.3 gig hd(a gig of which is for swap) all builds done with a freshly booted machine(clean swapfile) and in Dos. qbsp = 4 min 21 secs light -extra =15 min vis -level 4 = 31 min ******************************************* Area 7 (remix) Well, this is was my first ever attempt at making a map. It was pretty fun in its original form, but with the advice of some of my friends, I decided to redo it. Thanks to The Edgeman and Crash for the input. This is a major overhaul of the older version, so if you happen to have the old one...this one is much different(and better). Added new textures and alligned the old ones. Added a new room. Added secret triggers. Fixed areas that players would get caught on in the heat of a DM. Added some more weapons and ammo. Tried to improve the overall speed of the level...heres what I came up with........ Old area7(long hall)=42fps New area7(same spot)=65fps Old area7(acid room)=25fps New area7(same spot)=38fps Old area7(main room)=35fps New area7(same spot)=45fps Old area7(lift facing water)=32fps New area7(same spot)=36fps Old area7(water room)=34fps New area7(same spot)=37fps Avg Old Area7=34fps Avg Newarea7=45fps Thats an 11 fps dif...not bad All tests were run with Glquake....sorry no transparent water...that would be cheating! Well, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you can play this against real people...bots sometimes do stupid things...like they have this fascination with water and shootable walls. Besides they tend to hang out in 1 area. Try it and let me know what you think. Thanks, Utah utah@ix.netcom.com