The Water Tunnels by Andre Mason (known as: desciple, The_Devil, Red1, or COMMANDRE. Still choosing which :) ) Ok. Here we have a quake deathmatch level. Basically you shove it in you're quake\id1\maps\ dir run quake and type "map water1" to play it. But'll wanna play deathmatch with it, right? I tested this with the Reaper bot v0.8b and that was fun :) So go do that. You can use this bsp on whatever server or any way you like. I don' care. ********* By the way!! Someone tell me how to fix the "flashing" brushes thing which always happens when you get to a certain point in the train? Is it VIS? whenever I run that thing it just takes *ages* and there's less than 300 brushes (unregistered qoole :) ). ********* ************ THIS IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! So if you fall down to the then type "kill" or rocket yourself. So sorry about that, but it ain't so easy to fall anyway... ********** ************ Er... just some thankyou stuff about the stuff I used to make this, as the tradition goes. designing: qoole v2.20 ( testing: reaper bot v0.8b (you can get it on quake: hehe, thanks iD!! ;) ************** EMAIL me: if you get this lev at all! Just so i know. Tell me what ya think and maybe suggest something eh? Later, dude. I'll finish it tommorrow...