Reconstruction of the arched doorways in Quake ---------------------------------------------- This type of doorway appears in START.BSP (Introduction) and E1M3.BSP (The Necropolis) etc. You can load these levels by typing "`", then "MAP START" or "MAP E1M3" in Quake. This is a doorway with an arch at the top. The angled polyhedrons follow the curvature of the door texture. I included a very small level (ARCHDOOR.BSP) to show the doors in Quake. ============================================================= ARCHD1.DAT contains the walls around the doors and the actual doors that open. They open at angles 90 and 270. ARCHD2.DAT contains the walls around the doors and the actual doors that open. They open at angles 0 and 180. ============================================================= If you can't copy the data from ARCHDOOR.MAP to your level with an editor, copy these doors to your map file with the Dos COPY command. Examples: COPY /A YOURMAP.MAP+ARCH1.DAT NEWMAP.MAP or COPY /A YOURMAP.MAP+ARCH2.DAT NEWMAP.MAP or COPY /A YOURMAP.MAP+ARCH1.DAT+ARCH2.DAT NEWMAP.MAP After you copy the map data, cut and paste it to the correct areas in the map file with a text editor. You may have to delete a "}" character to fix the file format. Each .DAT file starts with a "{" and ends with two "}" characters. Below shows a basic picture of the map file format. This should help you learn which characters to remove. In the entity section, I don't think it matters whether an entity or entity+brush comes first. Read the Quake Specs for detailed information. Rough outline of map file format: --------------------------------- { "classname" "worldspawn" // // Brush-only // { (brush) } { (brush) } { (brush) } } // // Entities // { (entity) } // // Entity linked to a brush // { (entity) (could be a func_door, trigger etc.) { (brush) } } { (entity) } --------------------------------- You may need to remove the EOF (end of file) character the COPY command adds to your map file. If so, load it into a text editor, go one space to the right of the last character, hold the DEL key for a couple seconds and save the file. This is needed if your editor has trouble loading the map after the copy prodecure. Some editors remove the character while others only give an error message. Closing: -------- If you use this data as part of a level etc., please make a comment to me in a text file. As I download levels, I should find the messages. The feedback is appreciated. Give this archive to other level other authors so they may benefit. Other levels/data: Look for MBDOOR.ZIP. It's my reconstruction of the jagged military base doors you find in E1M1 of Quake. Also get my Quake deathmatch level in EDEATH.ZIP (Eminent Death). These files should be available on Until next time, see yas Jeff Tunink