================================================================ Title : The "func_mirror" Entity Filename : f_mirror.zip Author : Leonard Ritter aka PaNiQ Email Address : paniq@geocities.com 101.10501@germany.net Description : THE "func_mirror" ENTITY Remember Duke Nukem 3D? Yeah, good old times. You were chasing some enemies, turned around a corner and "AAARGH!" there was another Duke. But it was only your mirrored picture. That effect is now possible in Quake! Every map designer can now add mirrors to his/her(?) levels. Make deathmatch games a THRILL! How to use it: 1. Create a "trigger_multiple" with the trigger texture. Size it as high you want the wall. Don't add a target, just insert "health 1" to make it shootable. 2. Mirror the part of the level which is visible in the mirror on the other side of the wall. 3. Create a "func_mirror" in the center of the trigger. (func_mirror is an entity, not a solid model.) 4. Set the angle of "func_mirror" to where the objects shall be mirrored. 5. Set vradius as high you want to mirror objects. (it's the range) If your mirror won't work correctly, check out the example map "mirror.map" which is included with this mod. How func_mirror works? It's simple: every entity is copied to the other side. That's all. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yes Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : Yes * Construction * Base : Quake C source 1.01 Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife 3.9 Known Bugs : - MDL models will not be mirrored self. - BSP models will not appear in the mirror. (just create a second brush and give it the same targetname). - No gibs? Build Time : Only 3 hours. What needs to be done : Mirroring ALL the models (hehehe) Mirroring BSP models (still no clue.)