Standard Shooters - from The QuakeLab The QuakeLab - TEXTURES: ecop1_1 is a possibility. Up to you. ENTITIES: trap_spikeshooter (triggered) and/or trap_shooter (continuous fire) WHAT TO DO: Make a brush that depicts a shooter of some sort. The pyramidal shape is used often in id Software's levels. The gun tower is just a brush (it's a func_door in the MAP, so that it moves forward slightly when fired - this is unnecessary.) Now that you've got such a brush, make a trap_shooter or trap_spike- shooter entity and place it just in front of the barrel/exit port of the shooter brush. If the entity needs to be triggered, give it a targetname and make an appropriate trigger to target it with. OPTIONS: Adjust the rate of fire by playing around with the 'wait' field. You can stagger multiple shooters by using the 'nextthink' field to delay the shooter's first shot. The 'superspike' flag can be set for bigger spikes or the 'laser' flag for lasers.