QUAKE2 SKIN HVRGRL.ZIP 01/25/98 Author: kreg^Mortis^mosier Project Leader - The Down TC http://www.hexenworld.com/thedown mortis@hexenworld.com E-Mail: kreg@lcc.net Files: hvrgrl.pcx, hvrgrl_i.pcx, hvrgrl.gif, hvrgrl.txt Instructions: Just unzip all these files to your quake2/baseq2/players/female directory. Important: I am not responsible if you stuff this up, your actions are your own and I take no responsability. Other: Constructed from the "voodoo" female player base and the "hover" enemy base skin. I wanted to make a kewl female who would be a cross between one of the corporate soldiers from "Syndicate" and an Acroyer (!) from the Micronauts! Ah well, this is what happens when I have 30 minutes free! The .gif is only what i *imagined* her to look like...she doesn't hover or have the hardware, so if someone wants to use this as a base for another project, just email me and ask! (add the hover gear and make her fly...hint-hint!) ;) DISCLAIMER: Skin authors may use this skin as a base for other skins. This skin is available for free distribution via BBS, FTP, and other free electronic means. This skin MAY NOT be included in any CD-ROM or other product whose sales earn profit for their publishers. PS: I used Gateway's layout for this text file. His email address is gateway@mobsters.com