QUAKE2 SKIN VULPINA April 20, 1998 Author: Gerald Callow, aka "Meerkat" E-Mail: Meerkat@netcom.ca Files: Vulpina.pcx The Skin Vulpina_i.pcx The Icon Vulpina.jpg Vulpina / Eraser Bot screenshot Vulpina.txt This very text file Instructions: Just unzip all these files to your quake2/baseq2/players/female directory. Important: I am not responsible if you mess this up, your actions are your own. If you don't know how to install a skin by now, why in the name of all that may or may not be holy are you downloading this? Other: Actually, I'd love to do a model with a tail and ears because it would allow for some really cool animations (tail fluffs when attacking, ears go down when hurt, etc), but I just don't have the time and I'm just not an artist. Different sounds (low female voice with a slight rasp) would be nifty, too. Oh well. Furthermore: I still think someone should do a "Norn" model. Oh come on, please? DISCLAIMER: Skin authors MAY use this skin as a base for other skins. This skin is available for free distribution via BBS, FTP, and other free electronic means. This skin MAY be included in any CD-ROM or other product whose sales earn profit for their publishers. PS: I used the brianna skin from Q2 as a base for this. Mostly I just changed some colours and stuff. KUDOES: Special thanks to Ridah for Eraser bot, which is a terribly wondrous and amazing thing. It's great fun to have a pack of anthropomorphic females chasing me. Not so great when they catch me, though. STORY: Oh what the heck, I'll toss in a story for free! T'rys Pashai, test pilot for the M'kad corporation, is testing a new overlight drive system which operates by projecting amplified gravity and then riding the waves produced in space-time. Suddenly she finds her ship deflected off-course, as if it suddenly hit a wall at an angle. In fact, she has accidentally run into the wormhole between Terra and Stroggos, which acts as a gravity wave-guide and sucks her along like she's in a garden hose. Stranded alone on a strange planet where she is attacked by Strogg (who basically attack anything non-Strogg) and Humans (who basically attack anything non-Human), she decides she'd better jolly well kill everything that moves, just to be on the safe side.