REoL TOUGH: Armageddon A new map for Quake II! ==================5FIFFY1.ZIP=================== The Strogg killed everyone on Earth, so they thought! You and your buddies were away cleaning Stroggos, and now you must clean what's left of your former planet. While in a medevil structure, you are to find the new addition to their teleporter, which many strogg used to get here. Go into it and see what awaits (next release) ============================================== Visit REoL TOUGH on the web: Cheats to find secrets for Armageddon! ------------------------------------------------------ You make me SICK! Cheaters NEVER prosper! Well, okay, enough of the brutal beatings, and let's take a look at where the four secrets are to Armageddon (REoL TOUGH: Armageddon, 5FIFFY1.ZIP): ------------------------------------------------------ (1) Remember where you got the SHOTGUN? You fall through a hole to where the EXIT is. Remember the stairs you climbed to GET the Shotgun? When you fall through that hole, RUN to those steps, and notice they leave a small opening on the left. sneak by (have to do this quickly), and grab the QUAD DAMAGE. (2) Remember the little nook the MACHINE GUN was in? Look up at the walls near the ceiling. On one of them, you should barely see an outline of a button. Tough to see, but if you jump up and hit it, a wall will lower to expose ADRENALINE. (3) There's a button you pressed to open a couple doors to gain access to the RED KEY. When you press it, run IMMEDIATELY out into the "Room O' Many Doors" and you'll see a SUPER SHOTGUN. Hurry, or those doors will shut! (4) When you hit that same button in #3, another door opens up (and stays open) to get the INVULNERABIL- ITY Power-up. To get there, on the rightmost wall where you entered the "Room O' Many Doors" (Same wall the window is on where you jumped in to get the Machine Gun), on the first floor, duck. You should see some light casting on the hole in the wall to crawl through. This goes to a long hallway to get that power-up.