============================================================================= Bloody Waste ============================================================================= Title : Bloody Waste Version : 1.1 Filename : bw.bsp Author : Forrest of Clan Madman - Forrest_{MAD} Email Address : rcoulomb@total.net Description : ctf Additional Credits to : Thanks to id for quake and Zoid for his great ctf mod, and thanks to Ben Morris for his WorldCraft editor. Want to thank Pyg for always being so helpful with the compiling of the maps. Thanks go to Brainer, Gravy_Dog, Huh, GPz and Cable for being the first beta testers. Thanks to GPz again for putting up servers and putting the map on his webpage site for download (>:o -- oink oink). And finally, of course, I'd like to thank Midiguy, who made the original ctf2m3 Spill the Blood. Finally, my clan - Madman - my ho ho's. ============================================================================= * Gameplay Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Rocket Arena : No CTF : Yes LMCTF : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : No New Graphics (LMPs) : No New MDLs : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No ============================================================================= * Game Construction * ctf map : For those who played q1 ctf, you'll all remember Spill the Blood (ctf2m3). I think it was the most popular map out there. If your clan was good at 2m3 (this being in qwctf world), you were a feared clan. So, Midiguy did a great job with this map. I wanted to bring 2m3 over to q2, while keeping it as plain and simple as the original was. I hope you all like it. testing : After having a few players help me out with the testing, I made a few changes. For one, I removed the slime where the 100 armours are, and made it water instead. In q1, the slime was easier to navigate about, and the damage was liminal. In q2 however, you move super slow, which results in the armour being cancelled out by the slime (thanks Ariakus). Also, I'd like to thank Propag for suggesting that there should be red and blue indicators from the mid area (quad) telling to direct the players to the appropriate bases. The original map had these indicators, yet i didn't feel like including them (since I figured the ctfers who will play this map will already know the layout); however, if you don't know the map, you can easily bring the flag to the wrong base, or get lost... so i added the indicators. The following day, after I thought everything was done, and rounded up 12 players to test a bigger game, players were telling me of a teleport bug. I knew what it was however... I hid the spawn points in the floor (the tele- destination from the red base water and blue base water, as well the tele-destination to quad). I hid them because I found the spawn points look clumsy, big, and out of place. But if you hide them in the floor, instead of telefragging, 2 players will 'stick' to each other. So I raised the tele- destinations, and that bug is gone. I also added some shards in the bases (thanks Minator). Other than that, it's pretty faithful to the original. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Known Bugs/Leaks : no Build Time : 4-5 days Machine Used for Compile : k6-2 300 with 64 megs ============================================================================= Other maps I have made: DM maps (q1) ----------- Ma's Mines Ctf maps (q1) -------- Double Standards: first ctf map (ugly but fun) Nameless Mines: in the LoC pak, (map is known as ctf3m4) LoC's page http://loc.gamesnet.net Hook Arena maps (q1): --------------------- Spill This Apache's Den Asylum's Courtyard SpaceMarine_{MAD}'s Gymnasium dbase Clan Arena Maps (q1) -------------------- cbase Melissa's Mansion Rocket Arena 2 Maps (q2) (all these maps are in the ra2 pak - map is known as ra2map17) ------------------------ Ra2's page http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/ cbase (q2) Mad mines Gymnasium Bloody Waste - ra2 Melissa's Fancy (you can read up about these maps and download most of them at our clan webpage - www.mad-asylum.com. Go to the Storage Area, then Mapping Corner) ============================================================================= * Copyright and Permission Information * This level may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this level on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. If you need or want my permission for reasons of distribution, e-mail me (forrest@mad-asylum.com or rcoulomb@total.net) Visit www.mad-asylum.com