================================================================ Title : Head-oN Date : 8th August 1998 Filename : head-on.bsp Author : Steve Lyne aka "Scary-one" Email Address : scooby.doo@swipnet.se Home Page : nope Mail Address : Steve Lyne Emausgatan 23c 722 24 Västerås Sweden Description : I'll start by saying that this level is a ctf level - nothing else. When I started writing this level it was aimed at the developing mod "Modern Warfare". Due to the nature of "Modern Warfare", which will use both new approaches and highlights from TF, whilst building around the idea of more than just two teams and two bases, I started a symmetrical 4 base scenario. During development I tested, for the sake of speed and time, with a two base version. That version, has since grown into "Head-on", a complete, and well tested, ctf level - which succeeds in its own right. Now that it is complete I will endeavour to produce the 4 fort version that "Head-on" was once aimed to be. It will have 4 bases, and other features such as an armoury will probably be added as well. 4 bases limits map building possibilities slightly since a larger, slower map needs to be produced. I wanted to expand the 2 fort map first in order to give me ideas, and also to enable me to get the most out of what I consider to be an exciting "tight" map. I will use the experience gained to complete the fully functional 4 base version - which WILL vary from this version somewhat. "Modern Warfare" are based at www.captured.com/kamikazekrew Go and check them out !! Since the map will later include even more bases, the level has a compact feel to it now, with a bottleneck building around the central area. Never being very far from either base allows this map to be successful even with smaller amounts of players - probably being fun with as few as 4 players (2 on each team) or as many as 12 (6 on each team). Additional Credits to : i) ID software / Zoid for threewave ctf ii) VB49er, SeaBasS and the rest of the Kamikazekrew iii) my family, especially my wife Kirsi, for allowing me to spend hours writing these things !! iv) and to Undertaker for testing the level with me, and letting me whip his ass again and again and again and again ... :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No (although I left a start in) Deathmatch : No CTF : Yes 4-12 players ... at a guess Difficulty Settings : * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole amongst other things Known Bugs : I don't believe so ... we'll see won't we Build Time : 3 weeks Compile machine : Overclocked 166mmx - running at 200 with 80Mb RAM QBSP Time : 1 minute QVIS Time (level 4) : 17 minutes QRAD Time (extra) : 11 minutes * Permissions * You MAY NOT sell this sucker for money. If a magazine wants it on its CD - that's fine. Send me a copy and we're quits :) General BBS use - sure I guess that's what it for. You MAY NOT alter or add to this level without my permission. * Last but not least * Please email me if you like this level. It boosts my confidence and gives me a big kick up the ass to get the next one done.