SPWNCAMP.DM2 - Weapons Factory Network demo. 04:35am 09-22-1998 This is a Quake2 "Weapons Factory" demo of SPACE1WF.BSP, "Spaceship Control". I made it, believe it or not, to illustrate a very big design flaw in this map. Basically, I "spawn-camped" and killed somewhere around 40 players before anybody really caught on. It's highly lame, yes, but if maps have "features" such as this one, people WILL exploit them. Don't let this happen to you. Watch and learn. Mapmakers take heed! To run the demo: Place SPWNCMP.DM2 in a directory (folder) named "DEMOS" under your QUAKE2\WF directory. Start Quake2, bring down the console and type: "game wf; demomap spwncamp.dm2" It runs for about 20 minutes or so. Contact vortech@tiac.net with any comments.