level -- 3haddm2 1/9/98 ================================================================ Title : 3haddm2 Author : Evan Adnams Email Address : hadrian@auotbahn.mb.ca Description : Since 2haddm2 kinda sucked onthe detail aspect. I decided to give it another go with Qoole that worked fully with Quake2. This has been extensivly Playtested with the "duel patch". So far everyone whos tested it has loved it in 1 on 1. 2 on 2 may be fun, i havent tried. Yes its small. Its supposed to be, that keeps the action coming Additional Credits to : id software, Trelane and Ace Hyphen One. The guys at Twisted MAtrix for taking a look at it. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : To Test Deathmatch : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No * Construction * Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : some ammo falls out of the level Build Time : too long :) * Install Instructions * just unzip to your baseq2/maps directory and run quake2 with +map 3haddm2. * Legal Stuff * This patch may be freely distributed granted this text file is included and unaltered.