================================================================ Title : Crimson Sunset Quake2 Deathmatch Level Date : 1/12/98 Filename : crimson.bsp Author : Greg "ReApEr" Johansen Email Address : deathlck69@aol.com Description : A small map by Quake2 standards, however big enough to support anywhere from 2 to 8 people. Because of the long time it takes to complile radiosity on my rather slow computer, I was able to provide lighting by using the texture xsky and lava. These give the level a crimson red glow. (Hence the name) ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Quark Known Bugs : None Known Build Time : about 12 hours over a week period Textures used : e2u1 set Compile machine : P120(overclocked to 133. hehe) with 48M QBSP Time : 20 sec QVIS Time (level 4) : 58 sec QRAD Time (extra) : too long. Fell asleep and when i woke it was done