================================================================ Title : Acrophobia II Filename : dm7q2.bsp Author : Andy Duplain (TrojanFoe) Email Address : andy@trojanco.demon.co.uk Website: : http://www.trojanco.demon.co.uk Description : This is the Quake2 version of the best DM map for Quake: Acrophobia (DM7). DM7 was the "lost DM map" that Id never completed; it was completed by one of the Quake licensees. Additional Credits to : Original authors of Quake DM7 (their identity is unknown to me; if anyone knows then please mail me). ================================================================ * Instructions * Place dm7q2.bsp in ..\quake2\baseq2\maps\, and type "map dm7q2" in single player or deathmatch mode. * Play Information * Single Player : There are 3 tanks and 2 chicks to play with, but basically no. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : Yes. CD Track : Unspecified. * Construction * Base : Original dm7.bsp. Converted using a modified version of bsp2map (see bsp2m011.zip on ftp.cdrom.com for original source code). Editor(s) used : QERadiant 1.0 Beta (Build 032). Text editor. Modifications made : The following changes were made: Lightning Gun -> HyperBlaster Super Nailgun -> Railgun Nailgun -> Machinegun Invisibility -> Rebreather (the reasoning being that you could hide underwater). Added slugs, grenades and bullets, and removed spikes. Changed some lights to be coloured, and had to do tons of fix-up work. Known Bugs : The texture and lighting work could be better, otherwise it is structurally identical to DM7. Build Time : Several days. I suck at editing, but love DM7 too much to be without it in Quake2. * Copyright / Permissions * This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission for any amount of money.