*This level is a near 100% conversion for Quake2 with full Doom2 textures* ================================================================ Title : Doom2 Map01 - Entryway Filename : pak1.pak map name - doom2_q2.bsp Release Date : January 27th 1998 Author : Peter Lomax aka PCL aka Hawkmoon Email Address : pcl@provider.co.uk (soon unavailable) hawkmoon@pcl.telinco.com (the new account) Web Address : http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/9617/ (the place for my map news) *note new address* Description : Doom 2 Map01 - Entryway *fully featured* Single player (skill settings) and Deathmatch Full Doom2 textures converted to the Quake2 pallette New sky environment Accurate 1-1 scaling of brushes Credits : id software for Quake2 - the "Neverending Game 2" Yahn Bernier for BSP - http://bsphq.telefragged.com/ Andy Bay for texture generation (beta2.zip) - ABay@Teir.com Michael Stokes for QuakeDM - mike@stokfam.psinet.net.au Steve Winston-Brown for Wad2wal - s.winstonbrown@student.qut.edu.au Stecki for the sky environment - http://www.frag.com/deconstruct/ Jim Lowell for QColor v1.1 - jlowell@visi.com ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yes Deathmatch : Yes - 4 starts (same as original) - great for 1on1 Difficulty Settings : Yes - easy,medium,hard New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes - original Doom2 converted to Quake2 pallette New Music : No Demos Replaced : None Put pak1.pak in Quake2\baseq2 directory (alongside id`s pak0.pak) (*note if there already is a pak1.pak there, rename the Doom2 pak1.pak as the next pak number - ie pak2.pak) Start Quake2 as a single player game choosing your skill level Bring down the console and type: map doom2_q2 (Deathmatchers should already know what to do :-) * Construction * Base : Original Doom2 Map01 Quake map conversion (still available from my webpage) Editor(s) used : BSP v0.90b (Quake2 mode) Known Bugs : Monsters sometimes have the ability to walk thru doors? Teleporter pads are a bad idea (not a bug) Build Time : 3 days Texture Wals used : Doom2 textures converted (see above) Compile machine : Pentium 200MMX/48MB qbsp3 Time : 33.0 seconds qvis3 Time : 2754.0 seconds qrad3 Time : 379.0 seconds ================================================================ * Where to get this level * If you can read this you have already found a place or http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/9617/ following the Quake link or E-Mail me at hawkmoon@pcl.telinco.com (or pcl@provider.co.uk) and ask for it * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1997 Peter Lomax. All rights reserved. This level may be distributed freely on any electronic format provided that it is not modified in any way and this text file is included. If you wish to use this map in a level pak, you must first obtain my permission. If you wish to distribute this level commercially (including, but not limited to, magazine cover CD`s) you must first obtain my permission. PC Zone (UK) I want a word with you (its a subscriber thing) Also bear in mind that the textures used belong to id Special thanks to: Angie,Michael and Mat for the LAN testing ==================================================================