================================================================ Title : Gloom Keep Date : 02/19/99 Filename : qe1m5.bsp Author : Joe Wojciechowski Email Address : generaln@adelphia.net " if that one fails send to general_nuke@yahoo.com " Description : A remake of my favorite all time map from quake1! This map was the ulitmate reaper bot map! : This version is done with normal baseq2, but i also did one for the generations mod as well. : So that one has torches, spikes, the q1 monsters, and other q1 entities! You can download the : generations version of the map here.....http://radio.bicnet.net/~jdolan/quakepage/ Additional Credits to : ID software and especially Tim Willits for making the best map of all time :), Serberus for helping : me with tons of shit and to Bobafett for his inspiration! If it wasnt for Bobafett and his : comments like " hurry up and finish the map bitch! " and " what the hell is taking you so damn : long! " I woulda never been able to finish on time! :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : yes. Deathmatch : Yes, 2-8 players. (4 people is best) Difficulty Settings : No. " made it all just one setting hard! " * Construction * Base : Conversion. some Q2 textures and some quake textures! Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : just in the one part you can see some of the structure in the sky! I kinda thought i looked natural : so left it alone! Build Time : 2 weeks. Compiled it about 10 times to get the lighting right Textures used : Some quake2 textures and also some quake1 textures. " see other info" Compile machine : Pentium II 300 with 160 megs QBSP Time : 36 seconds QVIS Time (-level 4) : 344 seconds QRAD Time (-extra) : 3599 seconds Solids : 1268 Faces : 7574 Point Entities : 443 Solid Entities : 43 * Other Info * 1.) I also plan to do a few of the other quake maps for the Generations mod! I plan on doing e1m8 next and then i plan to do a ctf map. i think am gonna do ctf5 " ancient war grounds! " * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1998 Joe Wojciechowski You not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.