================================================================ Title : Chem Facility Revival Date : April 1999 Filename : d99dm2.bsp Author : Donkey99 [Brendon Chung] Email Address : blender81@hotmail.com Description : A level based on the `Facility' deathmatch map in the N64 game Goldeneye. A medium-sized chemical facility, with corridors and big storage tanks. Additional Credits to : id software, for sucking up all my time. valve, for making worldcraft tim wright, for making arghrad rareware, for making Goldeneye ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Deathmatch : yes (6 player starts) I designed the map for team-play, but FFA should be fun also Cooperative : no Difficulty Settings : no ================================================================ * Construction * Base : new level from scratch based on a Goldeneye map Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6a (woohoo!) ArghRad 2.01 Known Bugs : I hope not Build Time : about two weeks Compile machine : P2/300 with 64Mb ram, Win98 QBSP Time : 8 sec QVIS Time : 160 sec (2.6 minutes) QRAD Time : 216 sec (3.6 minutes) Brushes : 503 Entities : 80 ================================================================ * Other Info * Everyone tells me that Goldeneye is such a great deathmatch game, so I decided to try to port over a map. However, I have never seen or played the actual game, and I only had a floorplan of the level, so I don't think that the appearance will be too similar to the game (oh well), but at least the basic room layout is close. The map allows for some sneaky attacks, because within each room, there will always be something that gives off sound clues. For example, there is only *one* area with armor shards, which serves as a dead-giveaway. There is extensive use of clip brushes, so there shouldn't be too much instances of getting stuck in doorways. I hope you folks at Rareware don't get pissed off at this. I meant this map to be a tribute to their game (although, I have never played it before). Thanks if you downloaded this map. If you have any comments, questions, or requests, e-mail me at blender81@hotmail.com thanks! ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1999 Brendon Chung. You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact discs, and floppy disks. blender81@hotmail.com