================================================================ Title : Disfunction Junction Filename : Disjfunc.bsp Authors : Mad MAx Jr. Email Address : siefkas@usa.net Description : Nifty Room consisting of 4 platforms each with a diffrent weapon Additional thanks to : Richard Brown (Master of Diaster) for a little play-testing ================================================================ ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Disfunction Junction Single : To look at it Quake2 DM 2-4 players : Yea, intended for about 4 Quake2 DM 5-16 players : It can hold 8, but it would get hellish Comments : ---------------Construction--------------- Base : built from scratch Build Time : 8-10 hours ------------------------------------------ Editor(s) used : Qoole (www.qoole.com) Known Bugs : Theres one brush slightly out of place near the water ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form.