=============================================================================== Title : EVENINGS Filename : djdm1.BSP Version : May 1, 1999 Author : Dave Johnston Email Address : dave@3dgaming.com Other levels by author : None yet... but I've got an Half-Life SP saga almost finished... Look out. Description : Well, after working extensively on my Half-Life SP saga, I decided I wanted to take a break and actually finish a map... So, I downloaded WC 1.6 (after the Worldcraft 2.1 patch came out) and started to put toegter a few brushes, found it was looking good... And, as they say, the rest is history. I basically made a base-style DM map - and I'm proud of it too! After several years of making maps, not finishing any of them, I finally feel I've accomplished something. Notes : If you don't have the latest full Quake II patch installed, ie, you don't have the official id DM maps (Q2DM1, Q2DM2 etc...) then you'll probably won't have some of the textures that the map uses. Although this won't prevent you playing the map, it will make it look slightly crappier, as where textures aren't found, QII replaces them with a black/red dot texture instead. To fix this, you'll need the full QII patch. Additional Credits to : Everyone that helped playtest the map! And who can forget id? I know I can't. =============================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake 2 Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : new map Build Time : 5 days Machine used : PII-233, 64mb. Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6 Shareware Other utilities used : Tim Wright's ArghRad Known Bugs : None. * How to use this level * Make a "maps" directory in ../quake2/baseq2 and copy the level into it. In Quake2, bring up the console and type in "map djdm1" To start a deathmatch game either start it as usual and type "map djdm1" in the server's console or start a multiplayer server from Quake 2 and type "map djdm1" in the console. * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) by Dave Johnston 1999. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. * Where to get this map * ftp.cdrom.com and mirror sites.