============================================================================== Title : DeathMatch Caves Archive name : DMCaves.bsp Realease date : 9/20/98 Game : Quake 2 Author : Pedro N£¤ez (Vegetal Gibber) E-mail address : vegetal@teleline.es Web Page : http://www.teleline.es/personal/vegetal Description : A cavern style DeathMatch level for Quake 2, with 12 player/bots starts, 3 secret places, power-ups and weapons for a good deathmatch game. Greetings to : MrHyde, for support tons of e-mail from me 0:-) and for testing my map. Greetings to Yakumo, MegaPollo and Jes£s. Notes : If you like this level and want to make a suggest or for map exchanges, you can contact me with my e-mail address: vegetal@teleline.es And, if you like comic and bloody humor, visit Vegetal Gibber's Place: http://www.teleline.es/personal/vegetal ====================================================================== * Map Information * Single player : Yes, but... Cooperative : Nope DeathMatch : YES! (12 starts) New sounds : No New graphics : No New music : No Replaced demos : No * Construction * Base : My mind Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a (shareware) A REALLY GOOD EDITOR!! Machine : P233, 32 Mb RAM, 2,1 Gb HD, ATI mach64 PCI (2 Mb), Diamond Monster 3D and SoundBlaster AWE 64. QBSP3 Time : 15 segs QRAD3 Time : about 4100 segs (extra sampling) VIS Time : about 1600 segs (full) Bugs : A texture error in 3dfx OpenGL mode in a secret place. If you see any other bug or fail in my level, please tell me about it to my e-mail. Suggests and opinions are welcome. * Copyright * This level is public domain. You can distribute it, copy it, destroy it, clean your ass with it, etc.. If you want to use my level for base to create a new one, you must include me in the credits list of the map TXT. Nothing more. * Where you can get this BSP and more * Look at Vegetal Gibber's Shrine: http://www.teleline.es/personal/vegetal You will find, in Quake Levels section, some BSPs created by me, for Quake 1 and Quake 2.