================================================================ Title : Deathmatch Fanatic Filename : dmf.bsp Orginal Author : Ravachol Pereira, needles Email Address : needles@hem1.passagen.se Homepage : hem1.passagen.se/needles/ Description : Deathmatch Fanatic is fun. The Rocket Launcher and the Railgun are good for you. And donīt forget to find the BFG! Additional Credits to : American McGee for being a genius, Ultrahigh and Preacher for feedback and help, Starang Wondah and the rest of Clan Potestas for support. Notes : This is my first shot at level editing and Iīm already as hooked as anyone can be. I have learned a lot during the process of making this map, and on several occasions I had to go back and redo a lot of things from scratch, just because I discovered some important design stuff. With me being new to editing and my computer being a p133 with 24RAM, this map took too long to build. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : YES 3Wave CTF : No CD Track : 0 * Construction * Base : None. Finish Date : February 6, 1998 Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b Known Bugs : None. Build Time : Too long. qbsp3 : 1 minute qvis3 : 20 minutes qrad3 : 35 minutes * Copyright / Permissions * ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form without my personal approval.