============================================================================ Title : Chateau Strogganoff Filename : dt1dm6.bsp Author : Thomas Vachuska (TomiKazi) Email : tomikazi@captured.com http://www.captured.com/dteam/ Description : DM map derived from TW2 CTF level Thanks to : Dteam - a bunch of guys with a lot of map making talent and good sense of humor My brother Michal (Mickeychew) and Picasso for several cool pieces of art Dakota for hosting Dteam at Captured id, Zoid, Yahn Bernier (for BSP) & all the dudes at work for beta testing. ============================================================================ * Other Info * This is a Quake 2 DM level designed for roughly 4-8 players. The layout consists of three battle rooms interconnected to each other via a number of paths just to keep you on your toes and alert. Most of the structures have been inherited from Stroggenburg TW2 CTF level. The level has no doors, no teleporters, no wind-tunnels. There's full range of Q2 weapons including BFG10K, except that one is highly hazardous to obtain, but that's kind of the idea as the weapon is quite potent. I tried to keep the ammo, armor, health and weapons somewhat balanced and more on the abundant side as to make enough available with 8+ players. You tell me how I did. The level has been designed and created using BSP .93b over a period of approximately 3 evenings - remember this does not include the 3 weeks of constructing Stroggenburg. :) I tried to keep r_speeds and framerate in mind - again, you tell me how I did. * Play Info * Single Player : Only if you like that sort of thing. Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Oui. CTF : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Sound Track : None Demos Replaced : None Source Included : No * Construction * Base : Stroggenburg TW2 CTF level Editor used : BSP .93b Known Bugs : none known Brushes : 1973 Construction Time : 3 evenings (3 weeks for Stroggenburg) Have fun.