================================================================ Title : Final Assault Date : 21/03/99 Filename : FA.bsp Author : Giulio D'Ali > Don Coolio > MaD DoG -007- (in quake2) Email Address : doncoolio@ferrari355.freeserve.co.uk Home Page : http://www.ferrari355.freeserve.co.uk Installation : Unzip into your Quake2/baseq2/maps directory. Type "map fa.bsp" in console. Have Fun! Additional Credits to : Ben Morris for WorldCraft Robert A. Duffy for QERadiant David Hyde for his version of QBSP3 Steve Boswell for his QBSP/QVIS3 article and his copy of QVIS3 Tim Wright for Arghrad 2.00 MotroM for play testing ================================================================ * Important Info * 1) Do NOT rename FA.bsp to anything else as it will NOT work. The reason being is that it reloads itself after the intro video. 2) If you are running version 3.20 with downloading turned on you will get the following error "Refusing to download a path with ..". This is due to how pak0.pak is made and is a Quake 2 bug. 3) BE PATIENT when the file loads as it is 6.4 MB and takes a while longer than other files. * Story * " While efforts are almost complete on Stroggos to remove any further threat to human existence on earth, a threat still remains. A few months ago Intelligence HQ has discovered a secret base located on the Stroggos moon 'Velving'. This base hidden by an ancient castle front houses a nuclear weapon, which is presently aimed at Earth and during these times where the Stroggs are losing the war, we fear it shall be used on us. The weapon they call 'El Rulka' meaning 'Saviour' has the power of twenty of our Nukes today and carries 'Surastrius'. This virus, which to the inhabitants of Stroggos is like a common cold, is like the plague to all human life. The bomb has been constructed so that the virus carrying vessel drops two hours after impact. Thus anything that survives the nuke doesn't have a chance in hell of surviving when this thing lands. Your mission, should you accept it, is to successfully land on 'Velving'. Retarget the 'El Rulka' missile for Stroggos and launch the missile, should you be successful in your mission a Viper plane shall be on stand by to take you home. Good luck marine! " * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Deathmatch : No Co-operative : No Difficulty Settings : EASY, NORMAL & HARD New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Intro Video : Yes Phong Shading : Yes Minimum Requirements : P200 64MB RAM VOODOO 1 (ESSENTIAL, because one of my aims of this map was to push the engine to its limits both with detail and lighting effects.) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft v1.6a & QERadiant Known Bugs : If you cheat in hard you may get the message ' SZ_GetSpace : Overflow Warning msg overflowed for Player ' Don't worry about this as the game continues fine after the error, it's also a rare occurrence and you really shouldn't be cheating should you? Build Time : 6 months on and off but mainly off Textures used : all of q2 texs Compile machine : AMD K6 200 96 MB RAM + 1 Gig swap file Creative Voodoo 2 12 MB QBSP Time : 6096 QVIS Time : 220871 QRAD Time (extra) : 42701 (yes that is a total of 3 bloody days!) Brushes : 3402 Entities : 1070 Models : 163 * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1999 Giulio D'Ali. All rights reserved. This level may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This level may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit consent of Giulio D'Ali. This map MAY NOT be used as a base for other levels without the prior, explicit consent of Giulio D'Ali. Giulio D'Ali doncoolio@ferrari355.freeserve.co.uk