------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : Hell's Kitchen Filename : finkodm2.bsp Author : Jason Fink (Elfinko) Email Address : elfinko@earthlink.net Additional Credits to : id, Robert Duffy for QERadiant and the makers of Q2 BeaVeR. Also, a big thanks to Mr. Shambler (AKA lostspirit) for play testing and great suggestions. And for being very cool :) ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Play Information * Settings : 7 DM starts Deathmatch 2-7 : 2-4 is perfect with weapons stay, 7 is the max * Construction * Build Time : 6 days Compile Time : BSP-40 sec. Vis-20 min Rad-45 min Editor(s) used : QERadiant and Q2BeaVeR for compiling Known Bugs : It's too cool! * Other Stuff * I included an eraser route (finkodm2.rtz) for people who use the eraser bots. Just place it in the routes folder which is in the eraser directory. * Other levels by Jason Fink (Elfinko) * Nailbomb, which can be found at www.planetquake.com/3dgamersedge Deadline, which can also be found at www.planetquake.com/3dgamersedge Both are Single player Units! * Legal Stuff * This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission for any amount of money. Just ask and you shall recieve.