Level Title: Floaters II Editor(s) used: Qoole Creator: Brian Grubba (SCiZzor) Single Player: Nope Deathmatch: Of Course Cooperative: Not Yet All those other weird things(ex. CTF): No Dont ask me why I made this. It was for the simple purpose that I was bored. I am told it is fun to play, but I haven't tried it myself. This is my second ever level, so bear with me here. Special Thanks to The Qoole Mailing List for Feedback and Qoole for the level editor (this text file is a little choppy, im doing this as fast as i can) You may distribute this file to whomever you want, but this text file must be with it. You may also put this on your page, but first please ask.. Send all E mail to either Alien48038@aol.com, or Brian816@Juno.com