***** Foreboding ***** Title: Foreboding Filename: forebo.bsp Release Date: May 12, 1998 Author: Ron Celmer, alias Khabal E-Mail: ronc@ptd.net Single Player: No Deathmatch: Yes Difficulty Levels: No Build Info: (Dual P6 Pentium Pro/200 with 374MB RAM) - 2554 Portalclusters - 8749 Numportals - BSP time : 75 Seconds - VIS time : 14184 Seconds (Just under 4 hours) - RAD time : 26887 Seconds (Almost 8 hours - Ran RAD on a P5-200 with 64MB RAM) Editor: Qoole v2.41 Info: ----- This is my first level ever created. I know it's not perfect, but it was great fun and a humbling experience. I wanted to know what people went through creating a level that, in their minds, had to be perfect (or as perfect as they think it could be). I know there are a lot of things I need to improve on, and I'll be working on them in the future to create better levels. A very strange thing happend while compiling this level. I compiled this at work on a Dual Pentium Pro 200 machine with 374MB of RAM. The VIS went fine (under 4 hours, as compared to the 18.5 hours it took on my P200 at home), but the QRAD bogged it down. It reached about 95% complete when the system ran out of Virtual Memory! I couldn't believe it. QRAD was the only application running at the time. That big-assed machine died during QRAD. I had to bring the .bsp home and run QRAD on my P200. Geez.... I hope you enjoy this Deathmatch level. I will try to improve my future levels. If there are any comments, please direct them to: ronc@ptd.net Please don't write telling me this level sucks; as I said, it's my first one. Have a great day. ***** Ron Celmer / Khabal ronc@ptd.net