FRAG ROK: ala 187 A rocky deathmatch level for QUAKE 2. Release Date: 3/25/98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title : FRAG ROK: ala 187 Filename : fragrok.bsp Version : v.1 (Report Bugs, If Any) Author : Gino Campise "KaHm" Email Address : Homepage : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: : After a full compile I loaded the map and in the console I recieved the following "Com_sprintf: overflow of 39 in 32". The map didn't skip a beat and worked the same. No one seams to know what this means. I also ran it through Worldcraft 1.6 and QERadiant to find the errors and they reported none. I then decided to release this map because of no visible or playability errors. Also no leaks. If I can figure out how to remove this from the console when loading I will patch it and re-release it. in the meantime.......ENJOY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : FRAG ROK: ala 187 has everything Quake 2 wise. There's lava, lava beams, translucent mud & water, breakable windows, a secret area, and lot's more. The map is un underground cave setting with variuos slabs of rock comprising the pieces. Be sure to shot at anything that looks suspicious. Map Layout The main area is comprised of 6 rooms with passage ways and areas that you must know how to jump well to reach. It has plenty of sniper spots. Be careful campers, this map was made so you will not be able to camp for long. Be sure to check the underwater areas for special items. There are also a couple of teleports for your teleporting pleasure. Hint: to reach the BFG you must access the secret room and teleport to the BFG. Notes: After three previous levels, of which I knew little about map making and rushed, I have now changed my ways and learned alot more about what goes into making a good map. I have "THE TASKMASTER" to thank for that. He unknowingly motivated me to put forth a better effort. I worked on my previous shortcomings from my "amateurish" style and now release a "keeper". From now on all my maps will rock. I will redo my previous three levels in the near future but they will still be downloadable in the meantime. Just don't judge my capabilities off of the first three maps. Judge off of the new ones starting with FRAG ROK. Anyway here it 'tis....Cool title huh? I bit it off of Fraggle Rock. It's so appropriate for this level. I have also included some screen- shots from the map for those of you who rate maps. Feel free to use any of the shots on your site. I wanted to add more to this map but the .bsp was approaching 2 megs. As always feedback is appreciated and very valuable to me. Hints : There is one secret area Hint: to reach the BFG you must access the secret room and teleport to the BFG. If you want the hints and updates visit my site at and check it out. the site is becoming very popular. Additional Credits to : Taskmaster,ID, Ion, and all level designers for their great designs. Also to the Quake2 map sites on They put out some creative and serious work! Other Levels by Author :SLABRYNTH : THE REPLIMUTILATION FILE: LAVATATION : THE OCTOBILVION MECCA FILE: CLUB STROGG: THE BINGE FILE: Coming out on a Quake 2 level comilation CD!! OTHER INFO: All levels are available for download from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : yes Skill Levels : na Number of Players : 13 * Construction * Base : Made from scratch in mama's kitchen. Editor(s) used : Quake 2 Deathmatch Maker Build Time : A week to design and 2 hrs 58 min 44 seconds to fully compile. Compile Machine : Pentium 200, 100 RAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for playing FRAG ROK: ala 187 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Copyrights/Permissions *** This map (FRAGROK.bsp) is copyright 1998 by G.C. Campise If you want to put this on your Quake2 level compilation CD contact me @ This map MAY NOT be used as a base for other levels. This map MAY be distributed on bbs sites or the WWW, as long as this text file is included, intact. This map MAY NOT be distributed on CD or floppy unless you have the author's permission. Copyright G.C. Campise 1998 All Rights Reserved