Monday June 29/1998 ================================================================ Title : Deserted Bastion Filename : gdm4.bsp Author : Mark "GiTcH" Krol Email Address : URL : Description : A small 1 vs 1 map. It's basically an abandoned fortress type of setting, with several large rooms which were used for constructing pods. This is my first map (for any game) that I actually managed to finish. Thank You's : Well, I have nobody really to thank. I'm not particularly proud of this map, since it was rushed. The main reason for this map was to see how fast i can make an ok map. Well, I guess I have my answer. Umm, I should also mention that while this map was being built, my house was being painted (sniff sniff) so umm, well..If something looks weird, don't ask. ================================================================ **** Map Information **** Single Player : Nope Cooperative : Nah Deathmatch : Yep Play Type : 1v1, nothing will run too slow, but you can try, but don't say I didn't warn ya **** Construction **** Base : New level, from scratch Editor used : QERadiant 070b Bugs : The big courtyard type room is well, big, and on slow puters it tends to be quite slow, but it should be fine if only 2 people play on this map at once. I got a little carried away and just didn't know where to stop ;). Also that airduct thing is kinda screwed, oh well, didn't feel like going back and chaning it. Build Time : ~20 hours (6 hrs the first day, 14+ straight hours the second day) Texture WALs used : Quake 2 WAL's from id Compile machine : P200, 64M RAM QBSP3 Time : 80 secs QVIS3 (-level 4) Time : 783 secs QRAD3 (-extra) Time : 983 secs BSP Size: : 774 Brushes **** Copyright / Permissions **** QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. This map is (c) by Mark "GiTcH" Krol, 1998. I made this and you didn't, so don't say you did, cause you didn't. But, what you can do is tell all your friends to download it, but make sure you include this .txt file, or else... Be sure to give me some feedback and stuff, please, I'm begging you, even if you hated this map, let me know what I can improve upon. And if you liked it, and are in a game company, hire me or something. **** Where to get this Level **** and participating Denny's restaurants