3-25-99 ********** Title: Violent & Funky Filename: gladdm1.bsp Author: Todd'Mr.CleaN' Rose Email: todd@superiorsteelfab.com or rose@clipper.net Description: 1-on-1 Quake2 deathmatch level zip file size: ~135Kb Other DM maps: Hotseat (KOTH mod) Faultline (unreleased) Pandemonium (unreleased) En_Force (mrc-ef.bsp) Something Wicked This Way Comes (mrc-wick.bsp) F.U.B.A.R. (fubar.bsp) Broken Solitude (bsol.bsp) Ancient Stone, Fresh Blood (ancient.bsp) Reign Of Fire (rof.bsp) *********** Instructions: Unzip into your Quake2\baseq2 directory Play Information: Single Player: I doubt it Cooperative: nope, not this either Deathmatch: now you're fragging! (6 DM starts) Player Load: 2-4 (2 recommended) New Sounds: no New Graphics: no Special Notes: This map was constructed for use with The Gladiators, a 1-on-1 Quake2 Deathmatch Mod. It is also made with standard Q2 DM play in mind, and will work quite well for it. For more information on The Gladiators, visit the home of the Wreq'd team at: http://members.tripod.com/~Saxoman/wreqd/index.shtml Construction: Base: New level from scratch Editor used: QERadiant build 135 Build time: 16-20 hours Compile time: 2 minutes Compilers: G.Dewan's BSP and Qvis, Tim Wright's ArghRad Credits: -Id Software-http://www.idsoftware.com -Robert Duffy (QERadiant)-http://www.planetquake.com/qeradiant/ -G. Dewan (BSP and VIS compilers)-http://users.net66.com/~gdewan/quake2.html -Tim Wright (ArghRad)-http://www.planetquake.com/arghrad/ *Copyright/Permissions* Copyright (c) 1999 Todd Rose. All rights reserved. This map may be electronically distributed free of charge ONLY. This map may not be modified in any way or used as a base for other works. This text file must be included with the map unmodified. This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM qithout prior written consent from the author. Thank You Todd'Mr.CleaN' Rose todd@superiorsteelfab.com or rose@clipper.net visit the House Of CleaN at: http://members.tripod.com/~Saxoman/HouseOfCleaN/index.html