==================================================================== Rocket Gobbler A Quake 2 DM level by Chip Bumgardner ==================================================================== Filename : Gob_q2.zip Version : 1.0; 2-20-98 Author : Chip Bumgardner "Uncle Slappy" E-mail : Cbumgardner@interplay.com Description : Finally a fun Quake2 DM map for me and my friends. Beta testers : A buncha Interplay nerds, and some other friends. Other levels by author : Too many to list. None have been released to the public. ==================================================================== * Boilerplate information * single player : No cooperative : No deathmatch : Yes demos replaced : None new graphics : No new sounds : No new monsters/weapons : No new Code : No music : No * construction * base : Scratchola editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b (where is 1.6???) build time : A week or so. number of brushes : About a zillion. compile time : On a PII 266 w/ 192 Megs RAM QBSP3: 30 sec. QVIS3: 3800 sec. QRAD3: 350 sec. known Bugs : None ==================================================================== * junk * I just wanna say one thing. Deathmatch is about getting a big gun and blowing the crap out of all your friends. If you agree with my assessment then you will love this level. I hope you have fun. This is not another "look I copied everything I could from an existing Quake2 map and put my name on it" map, it is something I cooked up for a few friends and they enjoyed so much they coaxed me into releasing it. If you have problems getting through the octagon shaped openings I would suggest you learn how to strafe :) All weapons are here minus the BFG and the Hyper-Blaster. You also will not find an invulnerability on this level (there is however a quad but you will have to rocket-jump to get it). ==================================================================== * installation * Unzip the file Gob_q2.bsp into your Quake2/Baseq2/maps directory, start Quake2 and type "map gob_q2" at the console. ==================================================================== * Credits * - I love Id. - All the guys at Interplay that still play with me. ===================================================================== * legal stuff * Please don't rip me off. If you wanna put this on a cd, tell me via E-mail. ===================================================================== * Where to get this level * ftp.cdrom.com and it's mirror sites