================================================================ Title : Heavy Metal 2 Date : 04/16/98 Filename : heavy2.bsp Author : Andy "Liger" Patrizio ("Liger" on IRC) Email Address : andyp@mediaone.net Description : A medium-sized deathmatch level for 4-8 : players. This is a Quake 2 conversion of a map originally : done for Quake, with some modifications made to the eastern structure. : *Warning* Due to my artistic license, there are areas where the : r_speeds will go thru the roof. I decided to leave them in for the : sake of doing something different. If you have a slow machine, : I suggest you skip this map. Additional Credits to : id software, Robert Duffy for QERadiant, Disruptor and : _Paradox_ for the kick in the ass to learn Radiant, people : on #quakeed for their comments. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Deathmatch : Yes, 4-8 max. Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : id Software's qe4, modified by Robert Duffy Known Bugs : If I knew I'd fix em. Build Time : Three week conversion. Textures used : e1u1/e1u2/e1u3 Compile machine : P2/233 with 96megs of RAM running NT4 QBSP Time : 42 sec QVIS Time (-level 4) : 10833 sec QRAD Time (-extra) : 1891 sec Brushes : 1,422 * Other Info * A few issues with the map: 1) Design: Yes, I know, not enough level over level stuff. Keep in mind this is a conversion of a one-year-old map. Mostly it was done to get used to using Radiant. 2) In the east area, with the glass floors, you will hit r_speeds problems. Since I have a P2-233 and a Righteous 3D II card, I didn't notice it until well into development. But I decided I liked what I did there and would leave it. So again, if you have a slow machine, either stay outta there or just don't play the game. * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1998 Andy Patrizio. You not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.