7/27/98 ========================================================= Title: : Homers Arena Description: : DM Map for Quake II Filename: : homers6.bsp Author : Dave Waters, Long Beach, CA, USA Alias : Homer[CK] E-mail Address : baseman@msn.com Author's Other levels : Homers 1 thru Homers 51 for Classic Quake(e-mail me if you want one) Homersq2-1 thru -4, and homers5,8,9,10,11,12,15 and 16 for Q2 DM. "Covert Operation" ( SP ) filename-covertop.zip Credits :Special thanks to Worldcraft, and Id Software. Quake 2 rules ! Thanks to Frogmistress and Myrstyn for beta testing. Thanks to mannyc@primenet.com for converting the classic Quake textures *******Special Note******* This map is a remake of homersq2-6 which was originally released in 2/98 Revisions have been made to enhance the level which include : 1.) Cutaway of center arena ceiling and added rotating space sky texture 2.) Removed BFG from the level 3.) Replaced machine guns with chainguns 4.) Added a second railgun 5.) Exchanged regular health for large health items 6.) Made all spawn pads flush to surfaces 7.) Added more light to the whole level 8.) Replaced all textures with Classic Quake textures(except sky) 9.) Added a secret door leading to the quad (good luck finding it) Unzip the bsp file to your Quake2/baseq2/maps directory. Start a multiplayer game and type map homers6 at the console to start play. Consult the readme file for instructions on installing the classic Quake textures. This remake was rigorously tested with CR bots. ====================================================== * Play Information * Single Player :No Cooperative :No Deathmatch :Yes Recommended players :4-8 DM Starts :8 CTF :No New textures :YES ! Weapons-Ammo :Plenty Powerups :Quad Difficulty Settings :No Exit :No Demos Replaced :No * Construction * Base :homersq2-6 Build time :10 hrs. qbsp3 :1 min. qVis3 :10 min. qrad3-extra :7 min. Compiler :Pent.233/64 SDRAM/Viper330/3DFX VOODOO II Please forward any comments to Homer[CK] about this map, and report any bugs to the E-mail address above. ======================================================= * Permissions * This level may be used and distributed freely, so long as the text is included with the bsp file unaltered. Level authors may not use this map as a base to build on. Please give credit where it is due. You must get my permission to put this map on a CD or any other type of media if you intend to sell it. Quake and Quake 2 are registered trademarks of ID software. * My Stuff* Homer is a member of Clan Kevorkian, where our motto is: " Let us put you out of your misery " Check out our websites at : http://home1.gte.net/mortus http://www.gibbed.com/clan-kevorkian Homers maps are available for download from either website, or cdrom.com. If you live in the greater Los Angeles/Orange County area, you are free to join in on one of our Death Tour LAN parties. Contact us through our websites. Thanks and happy fragging.......Homer[CK]