=================================================================================== Title : House of the Toad Filename : nndm1.bsp Author : Niklas Nolte Email Address : Bufo_Marinus@Hotmail.com WWW Homepage: : members.tripod.com/NolteN Date of release : 2 Jan. 1999 Description : Multiplayer Quake II map. ========================================================================================= * Play Information * Game : Quake II Level Name : House of the Toad File name : nndm1.bsp Single Player : NO. Cooperative : NO. Deathmatch : YES! (2-16 players) Difficulty Settings : NO. New graphics : NO. Anything else new: : NO. * Construction * Base : new level Build Time : 12 hours Editors used : WorldCraft v1.6 Compiling utilities released by id software. Compilation: Qbsp3 build time:A secs Qvis3 (full) build time:Lot secs Qrad3 -extra build time:Of secs ============================================================================================ Platform used : P2-400MHz 64MB RAM, Matrox G200 8mb and Voodoo2 12mb Known Bugs : None * Loading information * To load this Q2 map: - Put the "nndm1.bsp" in the /quake2/baseq2/maps/ directory. - Start Quake2, deathmatch - Pull down console and type: "map nndm1" to begin. (Do not type the quotation marks) * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) by N.Nolte, 1998. * Archive info * Archive filename: HOTT.zip