====================================================================== * Introduction * Just prior to your assault on the Strogg home-world a few high ranking Strogg commanders were getting a little anxious. They ordered the construction of an underground shelter on a nearby moon, in a bid to save themselves. This pathetic move was too little, too late. It was hardly begun when they met their sticky end (i.e. you!). The little they had built now remains as your playground ;) ====================================================================== * General * Title : The Incomplete Shelter Filename : IShelter.bsp Author : Matt Smith Email Address : matthews@ndirect.co.uk Description : A DM level suitable for around 6-8 people (and/or bots). Consists of 3 main rooms and a large arena. Should be kamper-proof with plenty of entrances/exits from each area. Installation : Put IShelter.bsp into c:\quake2\baseq2\maps Run Quake2 and type 'map ishelter' at the console to check it out. Date : 19 February 1998 ====================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Full version of Quake 2. Map Name : IShelter.bsp Single Player : Only if you've got no friends. Co-op : No. Deathmatch 2-16 : Yes. Play with Weapon-Stay. Difficulty Settings : No. New Graphics : No. ====================================================================== * Construction * Base : None, built from scratch. Editor used : BSP 0.93b (http://bsphq.telefragged.com) Other Programs : QBSP3.EXE, QVIS3.EXE, QRAD3.EXE. Construction time : 25+ hours. Known bugs : None. ====================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Mail me if you would like to get permission. You must also get my permission if you would like to modify or use this BSP in any way other than standard deathmatch Quake 2. Mail me with your intensions and I might even provide the .map file! ====================================================================== * Comments * This is my first attempt at any first-person shoot-em-up level. It will certainly not be my last so comments/suggestions would be more than welcome. Mail me at . Enjoy ;)) ======================================================================