================================================================ Title : Unchartered Teritory Date : 03/18/98 Filename : kingdm1.bsp Author : David Arthur (KingXTC) Website : http://conquake.neurogamer.com/kingxtc/ Email Address : kingxtc@neurogamer.com Description : A deathmatch map built for 3-7+ players. : Should be easy to navigate with very distinctive arenas. : Note. This map should be run on a PC with quite a : high spec. Additional Credits to : All in the ConQuake Team !!! : http://conquake.neurogamer.com : Rust for having so many great tutorials. : Akuma for finding bugs... ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No. Deathmatch : Yes, preferably 3-7+ players. (5+ is best) 7 DM starts. Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : The one and only BSP. : www.bsphq.com Known Bugs : I think all bugs are out now, but let me : know if u find any. There is one bug though at the : start of the map which doesnt mean a thing to meż? Build Time : A long long time :) Textures used : i'd have to check... Compile machine : P200MMX 3dfx with 64megs running Win95 QBSP Time : 71 QVIS Time (fast) : 380 QRAD Time : Brushes : 1281 * Other Info * A few issues with the map: Main issue :) Before you all ask Why does the water flow up the slope instead of down it, you have to have a clear understanding of the effect that the gravity on this planet has on liquids...it really is quit an amazing find... 1) This map does have a high r_speed in parts and so i do not recommend running it on a PC that is lower than my spec. Allthough try it and see what its like. 2) Tip: Use drain pipes to reach the upper floor... 3) Tip: Quad damage is hidden within the crates on that floor. 4) This map contains all weapons apart from the BFG. 5) Dont go into god mode and activate the trap...you will be booted out of the map. Note there is no 666 in map. * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c)opyrighted 1998 by David Arthur. You can not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks without my permission. To include this map in any sort of compilation, you MUST get my permission by emailing me at kingxtc@neurogamer.com. Thankyou.