============================================================================ Title: The Hidden Trap Filename: kombat03_3.bsp Date of Release: 1/13/98 Author: Brian Savka "Kombat03" Email Address: kombat03@rocketmail.com Description: This is the 3rd level to a deathmatch pack I will Be releasing. The Death Match Pack will have about 6 to 10 maps for quake 2. This is called "The Hidden Trap" for a reason. Watch out!! Thanks To: id Software, and all the qoole programmers Also worldcraft programmers for such a great quake editor ============================================================================ * Installation * Unzip this into your /quake2/baseq2/maps/ directory. and run the map by typing in the console "map kombat03" without the quotes. if you want to run this in a server. just start up the server, then type that. * Play Information * Game: Quake 2(deathmatch) Single Player: Yes(I guess if you want to) Cooperative: No Deathmatch: Yes Difficulty Settings: No New Models: No New Sounds: No New Textures: No Exit: No CD Track: 6 * Construction * Base: NONE Build Time: -- minutes. Version Number: 1.3 Editor(s) used: Qoole 2.3 betas Worldcraft Utilities used: None Compilers: QBSP3 (id software) QVIS3 (id software) QRAD3 (id software) Compile Machine: 166 MHZ Petium with 32 megs ram Compile Times: QBSP3 00m 18 secs QVIS3 00m 100 secs QRAD3 05m 600 secs * Notes / Issues / Techinfo * I had to use the fast qrad to run it. Because I have 50 light entities and I tried to compile it, I was at 7 hours and I ran out of disk space. =-( so I had to do it this way. Hope you like the map. * Copyright, Distribution and Usage * This file may freely distributed for non-commerical use as long as the following list of files are maintained aintain intact within the zip file and as seperate documents within the distribution archive: kombat03_3.bsp kombat03_3.txt This file may NOT be distributed on any CD-ROM or other distibution method that may be used by any business or company that engages in the design, programming, duplication or distbribution of computer software except id software exclusively. This file MAY be distributed via electronic means via the Internet or freely available BBS subject to the conditions outlined above. If you would like to have the source of this map, please contact kombat03 at kombat03@rocketmail.com . thank you