---------------------------------------- 17/8 1998. ---------------------------------------- Title : BlueMoon Lady Blood - A Dedication [To Milla Natasha Jovovich] Filename : lady.bsp Author : Toke D.[Cold] Jørgensen Aka [cOld] of The Inner Order Level Design & Reviewing Team [http://home6.inet.tele.dk/bz29214] Included files : lady.bsp & this .txt file. Email Adress : toke@post6.tele.dk (comments very welcome!) Homepage : http://home6.inet.tele.dk/bz29214 Other Works : Pinhole Precision, Park of The Miniput, Arena of Filth, Den of The Desolate, Cave Dyscrentia, Insanity Maximum and many more. Description : Clean Deathmatch Level for Quake II. 3 Level high "Arena" done in the blume4_1 texture and a few others *doh* The Map is inspired by none less than Milla Natasha Jovovich [Leeloo/The 5th Element/He Got Game], and her timeless, spaceless strange, genius music and..uhm..ideas, Meanings, Thoughts and appearance! [yeah i'm a fan...so what?!] Additional credits to : Id Software for the Godlike game Quake. Ben Morris for Worldcraft - The best Ed' out :) Milla for being born. Pzyco for being so dumb [just kidding] :/ All the Nerds frequently visiting my site, and those freaks kicking my ass at the lrp Rocket Arena II Server/Dias Rocket Arena II server [quake2.challenge.dk:27930] [quake2server.dia.dk] yup.. [Go Red Go Red..woopi..I'm on blue!] Each and every Level Creator whom had His/Her level Reviewed by me at The Inner Order Site.. For giving me all this inspiration, and the great attitude/behaviour toward a new Reviewing site in this jungle. Thanks Guys'n'Gals About a billion other freakz whos name I have a hard time remembering! -------Playing information-------------- Level name : BlueMoon Lady Blood Single : No!! Deathmatch : Good for 2-8 players. Known bugs : None so far. Please report if You find any! Notes : I totally put down all my restrictions, and gave loose for all that came out of ideas, fired up Millas extreme music, and edited The result is what you have in your hands..[well, at your hd] No structures, no nothing, may appear functional, this map wasnt designed for anything but a reflection of all that came through my mind..ooh...well..the "portal" is really something that came out of nothing but the song "dont fade away" by Milla.. The result is a somewhat different map from what i've usually done [Pinhole Precision/Cave Dyscrentia/Park of The Miniput] and although i've managed to burn my mark, the map is designed on new grounds for me! - Closest match would be Park of the Miniput. [ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/quake2/levels/deathmatch/a-c/chapter4.zip] Enjoy! Toke D.[Cold] Jørgensen ------Build information---------------- Editors used : Worldcraft 1.6 Brushes : 825 Entities : 104 Build time : about 32 hours in total time[excluding sleep/dinner/freedom] Texture set : Take a look..[frankly..I just pickup what seems ok. so I dont know!] ------Installation--------------------- Unzip the file lady.bsp to your *drive*\quake2\baseq2\maps dir. [whereas *drive* is the drive quake2 is installed on. e.q c:\quake2\baseq2\maps] Unzip the file lady_title.wal to your *drive*\quake2\baseq2\textures\colds dir. [whereas *drive* is...you know!] Create the dirs if necessary.. Enjoy :) ------Legal crap----------------------- You are in NO way allowed to commercienally reproduce this material, on ANY media. [If money are to be taken for this piece, you're a loonie] PUBLIC distribution WITHOUT charging money of this material is permitted, if distributed in THIS .zip WITHOUT any changes. THIS .txt is to be kept 100% unaltered in any matters, and ALWAYS included. if ANY changes to the .zip file are to be made, prior to distribution, email ME first! -- Which means, in short. This map is a COPYRIGHT of Toke D "cold" Jørgensen Aka [cOld] and may not be used in any sort of compilation or any other wierd idea, without written permission from Toke D "Cold" Jørgensen Aka [cOld] (me). Phew! Thanks for D'ling my map. --------------------------------------