Title: None date started: 7/11/98 date finished: 7/16/98 Filename: mike.bsp e-mail adress mbelfinger@hotmail.com Description: My first DM level made from scratch. Not very big. 2 main rooms Connected by teleports. Openly spaced but its still a blast. Not a good camping map so for those of you who hate them as much as I do then play it. Bots move through this level excelenty. Dont take long for them to learn it. {{{Play Information}}} Single Player: Just for walking around Cooperative: no Deathmatch: Yeah (2-6 players) Difficulty settings: no Bots: Definately, this is what I primaraly play in this level. (2-6 bots works fine) {{{Construction}}} Base: None Finish date: July 16, 1998 11:25am eastern Editor used: Qoole Known Bugs: none that are very noticable. A couple missalined textures but what do you expect from my first level? Build Time: little less than a week Bsp: 9 seconds * Vis: 109 seconds * On a P200/32 MB of RAM Rad: 1898 seconds * If you have any tips and comments PLEASE tell me. I need all the help I can get. {{{Copyright / Permissions}}} You can do what ever you want to this level.